You are here: Creating a project workflow > Creating and editing transitions > Configuring transition authorization

Configuring transition authorization

If not all workflow transitions should be available all of the time or for all users, you can configure the Authorization page contains options to control when users are allowed to run the transition.

To configure transition authorization:

  1. In Configurator, expand Workflow Definitions in the configuration tree and select the workflow definition you want to edit. Its property pages appear in the right pane.
  2. Click the States tab to display the current workflow.
  3. Click the Edit button to modify the workflow.
  4. Double-click the transition that you want to configure. The transition’s Properties page appears.
  5. On the Authorization tab, click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
  6. Click the OK button to close the Properties dialog.
  7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for each transition that you want to configure.
  8. Click the OK button to save your changes.
Workflow definition transition authorization options
Option Description

To allow executing the transition, this expression must be True

Select this option to type a VBScript expression that must be met to show the transition. Click the Meridian Advanced Project Workflow Module Script Editor button to build a VBScript expression. For information on using VBScript for configuration expressions including their limitations, see the BlueCielo Meridian Advanced Project Workflow Module VBScript API Reference.

Allow the transition for members of these groups

Select this option to restrict the execution of this transition to the selected Advanced Project Workflow Module groups. Select the groups that you want to be able to run this transition.

Allow the transition for users with these roles

Select this option to restrict the execution of this transition to members of the selected Advanced Project Workflow Module security roles. Select the roles that you want to be able to run this transition.

If the user is not allowed to run the transition, show this message

Type text that will be shown if the VBScript expression evaluates to False.

Require electronic signature

If the Advanced Project Workflow Module FDA Module is enabled and configured, enable this option if you want to require users to enter their electronic signature credentials to run this transition.

Note    The options configured on this page are evaluated together with the options configured on the Visibility page to determine the effective visibility of a transition. For more information about transition visibility options, see Configuring transition visibility.